Wednesday, October 14, 2009


When I gatecrashed the Political Studies Association Annual Dinner last spring, I found myself sitting next to an affable chap who introduced himself (in best 19th century novel fashion) as M____ W_______ - J____ . This name was vaguely familiar to me, and he must have taken pity on me as he saw me struggle to place it. 'I gave the quote that was used on the dust cover of your last book', he continued. Mind you, I must confess that I can't have read the dust jacket that closely, as the other week I couldn't even remember the title of the book; I had to look it up on Amazon (having lent out my last remaining gratis copy to (stops to affect casual throwaway tone) the head of the government's Civil Renewal Unit).

But (and all apologies to Dr - or is it Professor - W_______ - J____ ), I have today received the endorsement to end all endorsements, which is now proudly displayed on the masthead. Granny Buttons says nbWarrior is on his 'must-read list' and that my 'posts are always informative as well as entertaining'. I think always might be putting it a bit strong, but hey, I'm not going to argue with the capo di capo of waterways bloggers. Naturally this inspires me to ever greater efforts. In the meantime, however, I shall just sit back and watch the ratings soar...


Brian and Diana on NB Harnser said...

Well done you, he doesn't even list mine

Martin said...

Surely anyone who knows anything is already reading you Sarah? Maybe you won't see the Soar.

S said...

Seen enough of the Soar, thanks. :-)