I am a great one for making 'things to do' lists. My diary is a succession of things to do lists, colour coded: green = newly added; blue = carried over from the previous day; red = must be done today. Black I use to tick things off, carry them forward or cancel them (tick, arrow or cross respectively). As a system, I recommend it very highly.
Even if I haven't actually got anything done, having an organised list makes me feel on top of things. And as I was feeling rather overwhelmed by all the little jobs we should be finishing on Warrior in the next MONTH (aaagh!) I made a list. It is a very long list, but making it did make me feel better. It's a bit frustrating too, because some of the things can only be done after other people have worked their magic, but mainly because lots of the things are things I can't really do myself, or at least, it wouldn't be very efficient for me to do them. Things involving height, physical strength or power tools, for example.
Today felt like a frustrating day, but when I got round to seeing what has actually got ticked off the list I felt much better, viz:
Inside of engine room side hatches rubbed down and painted
Silicone (from the engine room roof panel) painstakingly scraped off roof (use baby wipes next time!!!)
Flange (for roof vent, see photo) rubbed down, primed, fitted, and primed again, along with panel. We are particularly pleased with this, especially with the domed headed bolts it looks fantastic.
Nice little shelf put up in bathrom
New knobs put on kitchen cabinets (nice white china ones to replace little brass ones)
Kitchen roll holder put up
Hatch in the foredeck over the bed - plywood levered off, old gripfill painfully removed with Perago, primed ready to have cork tiles stuck on tomorrow.
And tomorrow, of course, is another day.