Thursday, March 20, 2008

Meeting the Moomins

Today we met another Canalworld virtual friend – Moominpapa, aka Simon, who will also be mooring at Bill Fen. His boat, Melaleuca, is currently at Iver and they are hoping to bring it down within the next two weeks – Nene permitting. We warmed them (Moominpapa and Moominmama) up with tea and cakes and explained the mysteries of the Rainbow to them, and had a jolly nice chat. Look forward to seeing them again when they get here.

We of course have come to affix plastic sheeting to the frame of the paint dock and paint the boat. The weather forecast in the paper today says: Tomorrow, cold and very windy with blustery and increasingly wintry showers, especially in the east. More cloudy and less windy on Sunday but with widespread rain, sleet and snow. It’s nice to know that we’re well placed to make the most of the weather.

So the paint plans are on hold again for the time being. As I write, Jim is doing battle with the vinyl flooring in the cabin, and has affixed some insulation to the engine room ceiling.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Thats a girl Sarah. Keep Jim hard at it!
See you both on Monday? Will you be armed with iron work?