Thursday, November 30, 2006

Words and pictures

Housekeeping stuff. Recently I buggered up the comments function on the blog - I was trying to improve it, honest! - so that it wasn't possible to comment at all on the last few posts. And I know that so many people were just desperate to ... but it appears to be back now, hopefully in its new improved form. The main improvement hopefully being that comments are now open to anyone, not just people with a Blogger account - so if you're reading this and aren't signed in to Blogger, would you like to leave a comment just to check? Just one will do, no matter how asinine. I've also switched on the word verification thingy as I was starting to get a bit of spam in the comments; I know it's not foolproof - i.e. not person-proof - but we'll see how it goes. That's it for words.

Pictures. When Jim first started bringing Waterways World, Canal Boat etc. home I used to refer to it laughingly as 'boatporn'. Little did I know then what tame stuff these over-the-counter publications are compared to what's available on the web. For the delectation of those who haven't yet discovered it for themselves (hello Mum), here are some ... images ... which I have been enjoying lately. And here are some more (from the same site). Mmmm.


Anonymous said...

Like those pics! Old boats are very cool.

Simon nb-Iris (but you wanted anonymous right? :-)

S said...

Hurrah! It works!

Anonymous said...

Great Pictures. Read your blog regularly and enjoy it greatly. Thanks for fixing the comments section.

Best wishes,
