The new light in the engine room. Isn't it gorgeous? And with its 21w bulb, pretty useful too. A vast improvement considering there wasn't previously and lighting in there. Emboldened by this 12v success, Jim now plans to install the other, similar but sadly with cracked glass, light in the back cabin above the table cupboard, and a 12v socket in the table cupboard, alongside the 240v socket already in there, thus turning the cabin into a mobile office and the table cupboard into a high tech work station. Now all I need is a 12v phone charger that works - yes, I know I should have kept the bloody receipt. As it is I'm constantly going, please can I turn the inverter on, I want to charge my phone ...
Should have swept up the sawdust before I took the photo, shouldn't I.
Surely it should be 'any lights'. If your standards slip we are all destined for hell in a handcart.
Yes indeed. I can't change it now though, as it would render your comment incomprehensible. I'm actually a terrible typist, and I confess to not proofreading the blog as carefully as I should sometimes. I am suitably chided.
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