Friday, July 03, 2009


I cant help noticing that I'm slipping down the charts a bit here. At first I put it down to the lack of posts while I was away, but usually it picks up fairly quickly once I start posting again. So then I thought, perhaps my reader is on holiday... and suddenly realised, of course, Jim is still away. Just how many times was he looking at the blog every day before?

Anyway, we shall see, as he is now back and happily reunited with the laptop and catching up on his 900 emails. I took the car today and picked him up from Cowroast, where Warrior is borrowing a gorgeous mooring for the month. We had a nice lunch at the pub and I was delighted to note that in the ladies there was at least one proper old toilet, plus the lino worn right through on the floor in front of it. A sense of history at last. I wonder for how much longer before they gussy it up with carpet and new low level suites and automatic 'air freshener' dispensers and silk flowers (for which they seem to have a propensity in the rest of the pub) and dado rails.


Penny Holloway said...

How did Jim cope single handed to Cowroast? Was I missed? Lol

S said...

He loved it!